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#Masterchef South Australian Breakfast Cook Off At Homefresh Experience


Masterchef Cooking Food Cook OffHOW E-X-C-I-T-I-N-G was the #Masterchef South Australian Breakfast Cook Off At Homefresh Experience hosted by Mix 102.3?

Did I mention the winner received $10,000???!!!!

Nine wonderful contestants were in the running on the day!

The contestants “host and guide” on the day was the internationally renowned Chef Jean-Claude de Toulouse; the resident chef of Homefresh Experience Cooking Classes in Norwood, Adelaide.
Chef Jean-Claude International Cooking Class ChefThe contestants with their smiles and nervousness were lined up; each of the contestants were given a $200.00 Coles voucher as Coles is Channel Ten’s Masterchef’s supermarket to purchase their ingredients.
Contestants-groupAs with the reality television series, the contest was started with: “Your time starts now!”

The breakfast energy that came back into the Homefresh Experience kitchens was electrifying!
Kitchen-cookingContestant-#7Contestant-#6Contestant-#5Contestant-#4Contestant-#3Contestant- #2Contestant-#1The contestants had 45 minutes to complete their breakfast menu dish and all dishes were presented to the judges; Mix 102.3 Adelaide’s Fun Breakfast Show Mark “Soda” Soderstrom, Jodie and guest judge on the day former Masterchef contestant Po Ling Yeow.
JudgesSoda, Jodie and Po asked all the contestants questions about their dishes and their ingredients as well as how they came to choose their particular dish.
Interview-questions InterviewWhile the clock wound down, Po was asked to share some of her memories about being a contestant on the reality television show Masterchef!
PoChef Jean-Claude guided all contestants with questions they had too!
Advice-chopping Advice-contestant Advice-cooking Advice-help Advice-saute Advice-Stephen ChefThere was a lot of understandably nervous breakfast menu cooking going on!
Cooking-crepe Cooking-dukkah Cooking-fritter Cooking-sauce Cooking-chorizoWith only 2 minutes on the clock to go, the contestants were plating and cleaning their dishes for presentation to the judges!
Clock-cookingSpanish-omelettePineapple-smoothieSmoothiesSauceEggs-spinachEggs-maple-baconEggsEgg-pancakePizza-breakfastIt was then time for “the presentation!”
Presentation Presentation-dukkah Presenting-cooked-dish Presenting-pizza Presenting-smoothies-eggsThe judges “well and truly” got into eating each contestants dish!
Presenting-dishThe ladies from Mix102.3 were “absolutely lovely” on the day handing out wooden spoons, juice boxes and healthy breakfast bars.
Radio-station-staffHold on, I remember seeing those spoons earlier on in the day!
Spoon-woodenAs this is a G rated blog, I will let your mind reading this come up with an innocent caption!

And then it was time to call the contestants to the stage to announce the winner!

The smiles sais it all on the day as each contestant was (and understandably so!) very proud of their breakfast menu dish!
Winner-#1 Winner-#2 Winner-#3 Winner-#4 Winner-#5 Winner-#6 Winner-#7 Winner-#9Then, there was the announcement that everyone had been waiting for!
Announcement-winnerWinner-announced Winner-hugs Winner.tears Winner All in all, it was a terrific #Masterchef South Australian Breakfast Cook Off At Homefresh Experience and know the memories and friends made today will last a lifetime!

Well done Mandy Clayton as the winner and for Sarah as the Runner-up contestant!
Runner-upWould you ever enter a Cook Off like this #Masterchef South Australian Breakfast Cook Off At Homefresh Experience?

What breakfast dish above appealed to you?

What’s your favorite breakfast dish?

Don’t you think emkho did an AMAZING creation of the Masterchef and Mix102.3 stage?

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All comments “on my blog please” brighten my day and in sharing #Masterchef South Australian Breakfast Cook Off At Homefresh Experience.


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